Post by doricvision on Aug 11, 2011 20:47:47 GMT
some great opinions from you guys on a very emotive subject and I just wish we could put all of them in a great big melting pot and come out with a solution. One thing I've always advocated over the years .....If you decide to commit a criminal act ,you abdicate from your human rights. Bigmike
Post by doricvision on Aug 11, 2011 21:20:22 GMT
Have resubmitted a recent posting on Members stage which possibly sums up my feelings right now Bigmike
Post by frankie on Aug 11, 2011 21:52:09 GMT
This is no protest, its Anarchy. Those of you who know my background will be aware that I have extensive experience in the criminal field. These idiots are criminals and nothing more. The Crown Prosecution Service will be reluctant to proceed with many of the charges, and even the ones they do go forward with will be dealt with leniently because there is no room in our Prisons for these criminals. I am not a racist person at all, and in fact having watched the footage on TV, I have the utmost respect and sympathy for our Asian Community. The time has come for someone to stand up and say that the majority of those involved are the PSEUDO African Carribean youths who think that the world owes them a living. They are Natives of this country, having been born here, but for whatever reason, have developed a massive chip on their shoulders, and any challenge to their attitude is met with chants of Racicsm. I am putting my head on the block by airing these views, which I have also put to the national press, but I am absolutely fuming that no-one will grasp this nettle. As per San Francisco riots in 1992.
Post by frankie on Aug 11, 2011 22:57:36 GMT
Post by Emerald Midi on Aug 12, 2011 7:01:23 GMT
Interesting, yet inevitable subject.
I believe we make too many excuses for a part the public that deserves little or no respect for the way they have essentially separated themselves from decent society.
There is always going to be that element of civilization, the usual subjects if you will, that will take advantage of any situation or unrest for their own ends and what we have seen these past few days on our tellies exemplifies this point perfectly in my view. Is there a solution? Of course there is, but those with the ability to do something will never go the full hog for fear of upsetting certain people.
Post by oliver101 on Aug 12, 2011 10:09:42 GMT
We all elect our local MP's, lets start to make sure they represent their constituents views, if enough people express their views forcefully to them they would have to take note, allthough I doubt they have the guts to stand up and be counted like Enoch did. Gerraint, you put forward some strong views and I take my hat off to you for airing them, I think the same, but held back from saying the words you put down. This country owes knowone anything, we all get what we are prepared to work for. The danger of this situation is that it is a platform for the BNP and other ultra right parties to build on the communities insecurities.
Post by Tubbs on Aug 12, 2011 16:37:43 GMT
This is no protest, its Anarchy. Those of you who know my background will be aware that I have extensive experience in the criminal field. These idiots are criminals and nothing more. The Crown Prosecution Service will be reluctant to proceed with many of the charges, and even the ones they do go forward with will be dealt with leniently because there is no room in our Prisons for these criminals. I am not a racist person at all, and in fact having watched the footage on TV, I have the utmost respect and sympathy for our Asian Community. The time has come for someone to stand up and say that the majority of those involved are the PSEUDO African Carribean youths who think that the world owes them a living. They are Natives of this country, having been born here, but for whatever reason, have developed a massive chip on their shoulders, and any challenge to their attitude is met with chants of Racicsm. I am putting my head on the block by airing these views, which I have also put to the national press, but I am absolutely fuming that no-one will grasp this nettle. My view exactly Geraint...get rid of the do good liberals and sort these scumbags out once and for all..if you dont want to live by whichever country's rule you are living in...bugger off back to where you came from...simple...i for one am sick of the way we pussyfoot around these louts for fear of upsetting the absolutely ridiculous PC brigade. Anyone know of a white man bringing a racial discrimination case against a African or Asian for being called a white b**tard?? No..because it would be laughed out of court...however, when its the other way round???.......i rest my case....
Post by weegeo on Aug 12, 2011 17:51:00 GMT
Quote from Rt Hon David Cameron PM,`if we bring any of these people in front of the courts THEY will feel the full force of the law against them regardless of who they are[end quote]
Rioting,looting,assault on the police,arson == found guilty in court in manchester today and the Magistrate complied with the PM`s wishes. Full force of the law was implented sentence imposed 4 months in prison will be tagged and released back into the community in four weeks.
Victims sentence shop and home burned out [now homeless and no employment] innocent bystanders assaulted and hospitalised,emergency services stoned and abused, Sentence straight back to work to defend the community.
Justice is today most definately blind
Post by geraint on Aug 12, 2011 19:01:34 GMT
I'm so glad that my comments have some support. I have been accused of being racist for my views, which is absolutely ridiculous. I love my country, and these idiots have got to either leave or go to prison.
Post by Emerald Midi on Aug 12, 2011 20:30:56 GMT
Geraint, when something is wrong it is wrong no matter who does it - full stop. I was heartbroken to see parts of London attacked in this way; I grew up over there and even though I live here in Ireland I hate to see what's been happening. Thing is I am very liberal in my views but would never condone or try to justify such senseless behaviour.
Post by weegeo on Aug 12, 2011 22:18:20 GMT
Geraint old friend i would never class you as racist in any form,i think your comments are spot on and infact whilst watching a programme tonight on BBC3 [young persons question time]your comments were born out in a very strong and plain way. The audience was full of young folk but mostly coloured and all of there questions were aimed at either the police or the benefit system and how hard done by they are hardly any of them accepted responsibilty for what had happened and infact 2 said it was the only way they had of showing their dismay with the government. A member of the panel asked why they were`nt working only to be told they couldn`t afford to work well there is the problem in a nut shell. The thoughts of 2 great politicians sprung to mind Norman Tebbit`s invite to get on your bike and find a job and Enoch Powell advance them some cash and send them home i think this is how it should be for anyone that doesn`t want to help the country grow regardless of colour or creed if they don`t want to work then red card them and stop all their benefits and not replace their benefits with something else. Grow up Cameron and get a set of balls and defend the rights of the innocent and the vulnerable
Post by weegeo on Aug 17, 2011 11:19:38 GMT
Well here we go again just when it looked as if the justice system in England had finally grew some teeth the damn liberal minded over there have now started asking if the courts are being too harsh with their sentencing why!!!!! Why don`t they ask the families of those that were killed or the residents that have lost their housing or even the shopkeepers that have lost their livelihood,Honestly sometimes i just can`t understand the mind set of the liberal Englishman these people should get longer sentence`s not less.
Post by frankie on Aug 17, 2011 11:45:26 GMT
Well here we go again just when it looked as if the justice system in England had finally grew some teeth the damn liberal minded over there have now started asking if the courts are being too harsh with their sentencing why!!!!! Why don`t they ask the families of those that were killed or the residents that have lost their housing or even the shopkeepers that have lost their livelihood,Honestly sometimes i just can`t understand the mind set of the liberal Englishman these people should get longer sentence`s not less. weegeo Typical hairy legged sandal wearing tree huggers. www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5g6seJUdvyzAZb7pZNdi_I-Azjc4w?docId=CNG.d9280b355590784d5051f8a96be23a52.261
Post by oliver101 on Aug 17, 2011 20:46:04 GMT
Just as I thought, the courts have now started to issue reasonable sentences out to the scum and the 'Typical hairy legged sandal wearing tree huggers' as Frankie calls them are up in arms. It makes me want to weep over the lack of a moral backbone that some of the pussies in this country have developed. This great country of ours is falling to pieces. My heart goes out to all those families affected by the riots wether they have lost members of their families, their businesses, or their homes. I dont think Britain will ever be the same again.