Post by JohnG on Nov 27, 2011 11:01:00 GMT
Hi All, I came across these two pieces of software recently. They're primarily notation but with good MIDI capabilities. This one's currently got a 50% of offer on it. You enter 50off in the promotional code box. sonicscores.com/This second one comes with a 10GB library of primarily orchestral sounds, which aren't bad, as well as other, more popular, instruments. It also allows multiple MIDI controller windows to be opened allowing pitch bend, expression and other MIDI VST controllers to be manipulated. It also includes two of IK Multimedia's VST based effects controllers which are good. It also sports real time controls e.g. tap tempo, vamping etc., allowing the use for shows and other things. Certainly worth investigating if you're into this kind of MIDI based production. www.notionmusic.com/products/notion3.htmlThey both support Virtual Instruments whilst Notion 3 has special templates for the best known orchestral libraries like Miroslav, GPO, East West and Vienna. In case anyone's interested! JohnG.